A Theology for the Church
A Theology for the Church

A Theology for the Church

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The revised edition of A Theology for the Church retains its original structure, organized under these traditional theological categories: revelation, God, humanity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things.

Each chapter within these sections contains answers to the following four questions: What does the Bible say? What has the church believed? How does it all fit together? How does this doctrine impact the church today?

Contributions from leading Baptist thinkers R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Paige Patterson, and Mark Dever among others will also appeal to the broader evangelical community. Included in this revision are new chapters on theological method from a missional perspective (Bruce Ashford and Keith Whitfield) and theology of creation, providence, and Sabbath that engages current research in science and philosophy (Chad Owen Brand). Chapters on special revelation (David Dockery) and human nature (John Hammett) have also been updated.

ISBN: 9781433682148
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 6.8MB
Number of pages: 770
Release Date: 01.06.2014
Language: English

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Dr. Daniel L. Akin
Daniel L. Akin is the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Texas at Arlington and has authored or edited many books and Bible commentaries including Ten Who Changed the World and the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary volumes on Mark and 1, 2, 3 John.

Albert Mohler(Contributions)

Dever, Mark(Contributions)
Mark Dever is senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC and president of 9Marks. He holds degrees from Duke University (B.A.), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Theol.), and Cambridge University (PH.D.).

Dr. Paige Patterson(Contributions)
Paige Patterson (doctor por el New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) es presidente y profesor de teología del Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, donde ocupa la cátedra L. R. Scarborough de evangelismo («cátedra de fuego»). También es un notable aficionado a los deportes al aire libre, submarinista y aventurero, y miembro del Safari Club International y de la National Rifle Association. Ha escrito comentarios sobre Primera a los Corintios, Primera de Pedro, Tito y Cantares, así como numerosos artículos sobre diversos asuntos teológicos.

Paige Patterson (Ph.D. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is president and professor of theology and occupies the L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism ("Chair of Fire") at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a noted outdoorsman, SCUBA diver, and adventurer, holding membership in Safari Club International and the National Rifle Association.  He is author of commentaries on First Corinthians, First Peter, Titus, and Song of Solomon and numerous articles on various aspects of theology.

George, Timothy(Contributions)
Timothy George has served as dean of Beeson Divinity School since its inception in 1988. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, George teaches Church History and Doctrine. He serves as senior theological advisor for Christianity Today and is on the editorial advisory boards of First Things, Harvard Theological Review, and Books & Culture. A prolific author, he has written more than twenty books and regularly contributes to scholarly journals.

Russell D. Moore(Contributions)
Russell D. Moore is dean of the School of Theology and senior vice president for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where he also serves as professor of Christian Theology and Ethics. He is the author of several books including The Kingdom of Christ, Adopted for Life, and Tempted and Tried. Moore and his wife have five sons.

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