Beneath a Dakota Cross (Fortunes of the Black Hills, Book 1)
Beneath a Dakota Cross (Fortunes of the Black Hills, Book 1)

Beneath a Dakota Cross (Fortunes of the Black Hills, Book 1)

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IN SEARCH OF A NEW LIFE OUT WEST, BRAZOS FORTUNE FINDS HIS FAMILY ENDANGERED BY THE VERY QUEST HE HOPED WOULD SAVE THEM. With these simple words, Brazos Fortune sets out on his journey in the first of Stephen Blys new Fortunes of the Black Hills series. When locals threaten the lives and property of his family. Brazos abandons his Texas homestead for a new ranch in the West he has seen in a dream. Its a war against corrupt lawmen, wild outlaws, and bitter winter weather as Brazos wrestles with his newfound hunger for gold and the burning desire to be reunited with his family. He must test himself against the untamed frontier, confront the greedy miners who try his Christian convictions, and find the new home God showed him Beneath a Dakota Cross.


eBooks » Fiction » Christian » Western
ISBN: 9781433676222
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 2.5MB
Number of pages: 212
Release Date: 01.07.1999
Language: English

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