Beyond Bereavement
Beyond Bereavement

Beyond Bereavement

The Ministry and Power of the Widow in the Church

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You are never alone. Beyond Bereavement looks at the many faces of bereavement and the challenging and inevitable seasons of recovery.
Knowing that winter will surely pass and spring will come again to your life is key to moving forward victoriously.
In Beyond Bereavement you will not only learn how to face loss, but also how to experience God’s personal comfort in times of despair, depression and family hardships and How to care for and support widows in the Body of Christ.
ISBN: 9788897896449
File size: 186.7KB
Number of pages: 168
Language: English

Book contents

Chapter One Rise Up and Come Away
Chapter Two Divine Visitation in Times of Deep Depression
Chapter Three God Mends the Brokenhearted
Chapter Four Grief and Mourning
Chapter Five Loss of Identity and Grief
Chapter Six Hope and Redemption for the Bereaved
Chapter Seven Neighborly Support for the Bereaved
Chapter Eight The Role of the Church
Chapter Nine Widows and the Types of Needs They Represent
Chapter Ten Widows at the City Gates and the Prophets
Chapter Eleven The Pain of a Hurting Mother
Chapter Twelve Shedding the Past
About the Author


Someone is missing.
We serve a holy God and He wants things done the way He described them in His Word. It is His desire that His House shall be built from living stones and not one stone can be missed!
In the story of King David’s life we see how Uzzah dropped dead because God’s laws were not taken seriously, and in the New Testament we have the story of Ananias and Sapphira (see 1 Chron. 13:9-10; Acts 5:1-10). They were judged because things were not done the way the Lord had told them by His Holy Spirit.
In the Book of Jeremiah, we see how God judged the nation of Israel, and one of their sins was that they did not take care of the widows (see Jer. 22:3). God mentions them in one breath with orphans, the poor, and the strangers in our land. Selah! Think about this.
The New Testament Church is not a building made by human hands, but a building made out of living stones—you and I. The storeroom in Malachi 3, one of the favorite chapters of our pastors, is not a church building (see Mal. 3:10). We are the storeroom! When we get together, we feed each other with the streams of living water that gush out of our bellies. When one of those streams is blocked—because our brother or sister has worries about what he or she must eat or where to find a roof above his or her head or what he or she should wear—then all of us suffer. One stream is blocked, and there is not enough food in the House.
We are responsible for one another and especially for those with whom God has connected us. When our widows are not taken care of—those who have no children to take care of them and who are too old or unable to work to take care of themselves—we all suffer! God is not pleased with us, because He is married to the widow according to His Word (see Isa. 54:4-5). He wants them to be taken care of. The widow plays an important role in the Body of Christ.
In the Bible we see Anna, a widow who lived in the temple (see Luke 2:36-37). Church history says of her that she was taken care of by the temple, and in turn she looked after the young children who were brought there by their parents as a gift to God, like Samuel and Mary. She also was an intercessor.
Did you know that a God-appointed and anointed intercessor must be available to God 24 hours per day1 (see Isa. 62:6-7)? They have no time to go out and work and therefore should be taken care of by the other members of the Body of Christ. Similarly, we read that the gatekeepers (whom I call prophetic intercessors), lodged all around the House of God, were charged with the responsibility of opening it every morning (see 1 Chron. 9:26-27). “The gatekeepers were at each gate; they did not have to leave their position [available 24 hours per day], because their brethren the Levites prepared portions for them” (2 Chron. 35:15). It is a specific, full-time calling and ministry from the Lord, just as there are other specific callings and ministries (see 1 Cor. 12:5). I am not talking about busybodies who are lazy and don’t want to work. Intercession—real intercession—is a full-time job. Why do you think things are sometimes difficult when one wants to work for the Lord? There is not enough intercession backing up and covering the work that must be done.
The widows must be taken care of and put into their proper place in the Body of Christ. They are not useless; they are very useful! God is putting His House in order, because He wants to visit us with His presence. Get ready!
Take care of your widows.

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Helen Aigbe-Joseph
Ten years ago, the burden to reach and give recognition to widows and orphans with focus on widows, reached a point in her heart that she gathered a few Christian friends to pray into and seek directions from the Lord. Helen Aigbe-Joseph discovered that the support and recognition that the early Church gave to widows in the Body of Christ seemed to be lacking in our present-day Church. Responding to this burden, she seeks and works with pastors and encourages support for widows, especially in their time of grief. Helen, together with her husband, Reverend Kingsley, believes in Kingdom reconciliation, relationship, and restoration in the believer’s walk with the Lord and community transformation through prayers. Overcoming, and not coping, is the key to victorious Christian living. Helen, although born in the United Kingdom, is of Nigerian descent and travels and preaches locally and internationally in response to invitation.