Biblical Authority
Biblical Authority

Biblical Authority

The Critical Issue for the Body of Christ

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The subject of biblical authority is the most critical and sensitive issue facing the evangelical Christian world today. It has a rippling effect on every major theological discussion. Jimmy Draper, president of LifeWay Christian Resources, deals with this issue in a loving and peaceful way, examining modern critical thought and historic positions of the church—providing a workable answer to the issues of biblical authority. Biblical Authority will strengthen one's faith in the Word of God.
ISBN: 9781433675331
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 1.4MB
Number of pages: 147
Release Date: 01.07.2001
Language: English

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James T. Draper

James T. Draper, Jr. served as president of LifeWay Christian Resources from 1991 until 2006 and is also a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. His previous books include Biblical Authority and Preaching with Passion. Dr. Draper and his wife, Carol Ann, now live in Colleyville, Texas.

Kenneth Keathley

Ken Keathley currently serves as Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Ken graduated from Southeastern with a Master of Divinity and a Ph.D. in Theology. A native Missourian who came to Christ at the age of 17, he has served as Youth Pastor, Interim Pastor, or Senior Pastor of churches in Missouri, the Carolinas and Louisiana. Ken and his wife, Penny, live in Rolesville, NC. They have two grown children, Matt and Allison.

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