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Brave Soul

Brave Soul

Lessons in Love, Risk, and the Power of Empathy

Belinda Bauman
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What The Hole in Our Gospel did for justice and Daring Greatly did for vulnerability, Brave Soul is about to do for the most overlooked yet crucial of Christian values: empathy.

Empathy is a risk. It means opening yourself up to connection—and possibly getting hurt. It means entering into others’ lives in ways that will push you outside who you thought you could be. It means learning to care for others, and yourself, in ways that go far beyond platitudes and easy answers into the very heart of what it means to be alive.

But it also makes us stronger. It makes us closer. And it makes us more like Jesus.

If we yearn to become wholehearted Jesus followers, we must be willing to be brokenhearted for each other. So what do we do in response to others’ pain? How do we show that we care when we feel so helpless? And what difference can it make?

The answer lies in how God hardwired each of us. You have a brave soul that, when you cultivate it, will make you more like Him—a more loving, peaceful, purposeful force for good in our world.

Brave Soul will change the way we understand ourselves, how we grow our relationships with one another, and what we can do to impact the world with the love of Jesus.


ISBN: 9781496418838
Tyndale House Publishers
Binding: eBook
Language: English

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