Coping with Chronic Illness
Coping with Chronic Illness

Coping with Chronic Illness

*Neck and Back Pain *Migraines *Arthritis *Fibromyalgia*Chronic Fatigue *And Other Invisible Illnesses

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Nearly 1 in 2 Americans suffer from some chronic condition—either an illness like fibromyalgia or conditions such as migraine headaches or chronic neck and back pain. With numbers like these, it’s fair to say we have a health crisis on our hands.

Respected therapist H. Norman Wright, along with Lynn Ellis, a researcher with firsthand experience with fibromyalgia, lupus, and chronic fatigue, shares practical, hopeful answers for those who suffer from what are often called “invisible illnesses.”

Readers will benefit from realizing they are not alone even if others don’t understand what they are experiencing. They will also find

  • helpful ideas for managing relationships with their doctors and their families
  • insight into God’s perspective and caring for those who suffer
  • practical ways to manage the stress, fear, and depression that often comes with chronic illness

Coping with Chronic Illness is the perfect resource for those who struggle as well as for their families and friends, lay counselors, medical professionals, and pastors.

ISBN: 9780736937467
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 1.1MB
Release Date: 01.02.2010
Language: English

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