Corazones, mentes y manos
Corazones, mentes y manos

Corazones, mentes y manos

Un manual para enseñar a otros a enseñar

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Corazones, mentes y manos es el resultado de un método de capacitación que ha desarrollado el Dr. David Sills, docente, misionólogo y presidente de una agencia misionera, en base a décadas de experiencia en misiones alrededor del mundo. El Dr. Sills, académico misionero reconocido en el campo del desarrollo de liderazgo de misiones autóctonas, prestó servicios en la conferencia del Comité Lausana para la Evangelización Mundial celebrada en Pattaya, Tailandia, y posteriormente en el plantel de educación teológica de International Orality Network (Red Internacional para el Aprendizaje Oral). Cumplió dos estudios de investigación a gran escala con pastores autóctonos que necesitaban capacitarse. Finalmente, fundó una agencia misionera para cubrir las necesidades identificadas a través de esos emprendimientos, como así también las necesidades sobre las que cada día le escriben misioneros de diversas partes del mundo. Dicho modelo de formación es la esencia de Corazones, mentes y manos, el cual ya se ha utilizado para capacitar a pastores en siete centros distintos de formación en diversos entornos a nivel internacional.

Corazones, mentes y manos es un sistema de comprobada eficacia que equipará a los pastores con la información básica que deben conocer para cumplir su rol bíblico y también servir como recurso para misioneros, voluntarios y otros pastores, a fin de capacitar a quienes Dios ha llamado para servirlo. El contenido se desarrolla alrededor del método creado por el Dr. Sills para equipar a los pastores con una base bíblica (su “mente”), una base espiritual (su “corazón”) y una base metodológica (sus “manos”). Eso garantiza que sabrán segmentar y enseñar correctamente la Palabra de Dios, comprender la necesidad para dar el ejemplo de las características espirituales de un pastor y tener las herramientas prácticas necesarias para dirigir y administrar una iglesia local.

Hearts, Heads, and Hands is the manifestation of a training method that missiologist, professor, and missions agency president, Dr. David Sills, has developed on the basis of decades of missions experience around the world. The leading missionary scholar in the field of indigenous leadership development, Dr. Sills served at the Pattaya, Thailand gathering of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization, and later on the theological education taskforce of the International Orality Network. He completed two massive research studies with indigenous pastors in need of training, and ultimately founded a missions agency to meet the needs identified through these endeavors as well as out of the needs that missionaries from around the world write him about every day. That training model is the substance of Hearts, Heads, and Hands, which has now been used to train pastors at seven separate training centers in a variety of global settings.
Tried, tested, and proven, Heads, Hearts, and Hands will equip pastors with the foundational information they must know to fulfill their biblical role as well as serve as a resource for missionaries, volunteers, and other pastors to train those God is calling to serve Him. The content is built around the method Dr. Sills developed to equip pastors with a biblical foundation (their “head”), a spiritual foundation (their “heart”), and a methodological foundation (their “hands”), ensuring that they know how to rightly divide and teach God’s Word, understand the need to model the spiritual characteristics of a pastor, and have the practical tools necessary to lead and administer a local church.
ISBN: 9781433689765
Producer: B&H Publishing
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: eBook
File size: 11.6MB
Number of pages: 1056
Release Date: 01.10.2016
Language: Español

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M. David Sills
M. David Sills is associate dean of Christian Missions and the A. P. and Faye Stone Professor of Christian Missions and Cultural Anthropology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has planted and pastored churches in both the United States and Ecuador, and he is the founder and president of Reaching & Teaching International Ministries, a ministry to train pastors and leaders around the world. He is the author of The Missionary Call and Reaching and Teaching, as well as several books in Spanish.