Dark Justice
Dark Justice

Dark Justice

A Novel

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If I’d had any idea what those words would mean to me, to my mother and daughter, I’d have fled California without looking back.

While driving a rural road, Hannah Shire and her aging mother, who suffers from dementia, stop to help a man at the scene of a car accident. The man whispers mysterious words in Hannah’s ear. Soon people want to kill Hannah and her mother for what they “know.” Even law enforcement may be involved.

The two women must flee for their lives. But how does Hannah hide her confused mother? Carol just wants to listen to her pop music, wear her favorite purple hat, and go home. And if they turn to Hannah’s twentyseven- year-old daughter, Emily, for help, will she fall into danger as well?

Pressed on all sides, Hannah must keep all three generations of women in her family alive. Only then does she learn the threat is not just to her loved ones, but the entire country . . .


eBooks » Fiction » Christian » Suspense
ISBN: 9781433679568
Producer: B&H Publishing
Weight: 0.091kg
Binding: eBook
File size: 3.4MB
Number of pages: 352
Release Date: 01.10.2013
Language: English

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Brandilyn Collins

Brandilyn Collins is a best-selling novelist known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. She is a three-time American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner and has received Inspirational Readers’ Choice and Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice honors. Brandilyn and her family have homes in California and Idaho.

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