Educar sin maltratar
Educar sin maltratar

Educar sin maltratar

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Educar sin maltratar es un arte que pocos padres consiguen. Como ocurre con otras artes, no es que sea muy difícil o que esté reservado para privilegiados; sencillamente hay que aprenderlo. Cuando se habla de maltrato, no solo nos referimos a la violencia física sino también a la psicológica que de una forma consciente o inconsciente se aplica sistemáticamente a los hijos.

Teaching our children without mistreating them is an art that few parents can master. This type of art is not as difficult as other arts and it is not exclusively reserved for privileged people; it simply must be learned. When we speak about mistreating our children, we don’t only mean physical mistreatment, but also psychological violence that is systematically applied to children, consciously or unconsciously.
ISBN: 9781496401090
Producer: Tyndale House Publishers
Binding: eBook
File size: 2MB
Release Date: 01.09.2014
Language: Español

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