Fabulous and Funny Clean Jokes for Kids
Fabulous and Funny Clean Jokes for Kids

Fabulous and Funny Clean Jokes for Kids

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Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!!

Bob Phillips hits the mark again with his Fabulous and Funny Clean Jokes for Kids. Phenomenal sales and happy kids are the results of Bob's incredibly popular humor. For added zip, internationally known youth communicator Steve Russo teams up with Bob in this latest collection of zany jokes, knock-knocks, riddles, and puns.

            Did you hear about the terrible accident? A red cruise ship collided with a purple cruise ship.

            What happened?

            All the passengers were marooned.

Great for road trips, plane rides, and overnights with any grandma who doesn't have Nintendo, kids will flip over all the fun.

ISBN: 9780736935777
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 219.2KB
Release Date: 01.07.2004
Language: English

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