Fresh Ideas
Fresh Ideas

Fresh Ideas

1,000 Ways to Grow a Thriving and Energetic Church

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Columnist and pastor’s wife Diana Davis has been compiling new ways of conducting various church programs for decades—paying close attention to everything from how a church interior is best utilized to how congregations most effectively engage in community outreach.These creative methods are generously compiled in Fresh Ideas for Your Church, a handy guide to inspire “how your church does church.” Featuring seventy-five unique categories and scores of ideas within each one, this resource will help everyone in the church from volunteers to the senior pastor.A sampling of topics: Baptism, Children’s Area, Christmas, Fall Festival, Greeters, Library, New Member Assimilation, Prayer Ministry, Scripture of the Year, Sports Evangelism, Web Site, Youth, and more.


eBooks » Christian Church » General
ISBN: 9781433668715
Producer: B&H Publishing
Depth: 25 mm
Weight: 453.592kg
Binding: eBook
File size: 2.1MB
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.06.2007
Language: English

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Diana Davis

Diana Davis writes regular feature articles for several Christian publications and is a popular conference and retreat speaker. Her books include Fresh Ideas, Fresh Ideas for Women's Ministry, and Deacon Wives. Diana also travels extensively with her husband, Steve Davis, executive director for the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. They have three adult children and live in Indianapolis.

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