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Go Big

Go Big

Make Your Shot Count in the Connected World

Cory Cotton
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It began with a free sandwich, a simple camera, and twenty “I can do better than you” shots. From that afternoon of friendly competition, six college guys created Dude Perfect, a YouTube group that specializes in the craziest basketball shots you can imagine. Within months, the guys went from shooting backyard trick shots to starring in GMC truck commercials and standing on an L.A. Red Carpet. Listed by Advertising Age as one of YouTube’s Hottest Brands, Dude Perfect’s videos have reached and inspired hundreds of millions with one contagious message—the very phrase they championed from day one—Go Big. By leveraging the connected world, Dude Perfect’s dream became a reality, and now, they want the same for you. Written by one of the dudes himself, Go Big tells their story and unveils their secret: five practical principles for taking your passions, skills, and dreams to the next level. Are you ready to Go Big?


ISBN: 9781414365619
Tyndale House Publishers
Binding: eBook
File size: 15.6MB
Release Date: 31.08.2011
Language: English

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