Hope in the Face of Cancer
Hope in the Face of Cancer

Hope in the Face of Cancer

A Survival Guide for the Journey You Did Not Choose

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Amy Givler, M.D. a cancer survivor, shares her experience and the stories of others with the voice of encouragement, faith, and strength she so desperately needed at the point of her diagnosis. With medical knowledge and insight into the path to come, Dr. Givler is able to offer answers and hope as she discusses:

  • looking at cancer through the lens of hope
  • seeking, evaluating, and making decisions for treatment
  • drawing closer to God along the journey
  • facing family and friends

Dr. Givler shares more than professional wisdom; she extends her friendship. And as a fellow survivor she provides a comforting presence during an experience that too often is mired in uncertainty, fear, and loneliness.

ISBN: 9780736932103
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 493.2KB
Release Date: 01.01.2003
Language: English

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