Into the High Country
Into the High Country

Into the High Country

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Popular hunting/fishing personalities Jason Cruise and Jimmy Sites, also pastors, take outdoor enthusiasts deeper into God’s Word with this rugged devotional that draws comparisons between hunting seasons and the spiritual seasons of the soul. Into the High Country includes truth-revealing stories of adventure and space for writing down one’s own thoughts and experiences.
ISBN: 9781433669767
Producer: B&H Publishing
Dimensions: 127 x 178 x 25 mm
Weight: 453.592kg
Binding: eBook
File size: 10.2MB
Number of pages: 154
Release Date: 01.04.2006
Language: English

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Jimmy Sites

Jimmy Sites is host of "Spiritual Outdoor Adventures," a national television and radio program that combines hunting interests with the Christian life. In addition to his expert outdoorsman skills, Jimmy holds advanced degrees from Harding Graduate School of Religion (M.Div.) and Abilene Christian University (D.Min.), has served as a Compassion International spokesperson since 1991, and is a pastor at New River Fellowship in Franklin, Tennessee. Sites and his wife have two children and live near Nashville.

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