Making Your Emotions Work for You
Making Your Emotions Work for You

Making Your Emotions Work for You

Coping with Stress, Avoiding Burnout, Overcoming Fear . . . and More

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Fear, stress, low self-confidence . . . if troubling emotions have gotten the best of you, learn how God can use them instead as trigger points that will bring out the very best in you. This incisive book from renowned Bible teacher Harold J. Sala shares scriptural principles to unleash God’s power as you turn your emotions into friends and become a more positive, confident, and fulfilled person by Making Your Emotions Work for You.

ISBN: 9781433679919
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 2.6MB
Number of pages: 242
Release Date: 01.01.2013
Language: English

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Harold J. Sala
Harold J. Sala is founder and president of Guidelines International, Inc., a ministry communicating the message of Jesus Christ so that people come to faith in the Lord and believers are discipled and strengthened. Sala has written dozens of books and is the featured speaker on “Guidelines: A Five-Minute Commentary on Living,” a daily radio program broadcast on 1,000+ radio stations worldwide and translated into more than 15 languages.

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