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My Child, My Princess

My Child, My Princess

A Parable About the King

Beth Moore , Beverly Warren (Illustrator)
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A wistful fairy tale at first impression, best-selling author Beth Moore’s My Child, My Princess — her first children’s book — is a simply profound story that rings true among kids and grown-ups alike. When a king’s rebellious daughter disobeys her father’s wishes, his forgiveness and patience vividly remind us of God’s unconditional love. Indeed, every girl is a princess; a child of the King.


ISBN: 9781433684692
B&H Publishing
EAN: 9781433684692
Binding: eBook
File size: 8.3MB
Number of pages: 32
Release Date: 01.10.2014
Language: English
Beth Moore

Beth Moore is a writer and teacher of best-selling books and Bible studies whose public speaking engagements carry her all over the United States. A dedicated wife and mother of two adult daughters, Moore lives in Houston, Texas, where she is president and founder of Living Proof Ministries.

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