OK, I Admit It, I'm Afraid
OK, I Admit It, I'm Afraid

OK, I Admit It, I'm Afraid

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Take courage! Bestselling author Anthony DeStefano shares the importance of living courageously in this intriguing little book with a big message. You'll discover that with courage you're able to enjoy meaningful relationships and accomplish those really hard things you know you have to do. Without it, well, it's nearly impossible to be happy.

Candid photos of kids caught in awkward moments everyone can relate to perfectly illustrate this uplifting message, which turns out to be just as inspirational and thoughtful as it is funny.

ISBN: 9780736964722
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 29.5MB
Release Date: 01.09.2015
Language: English

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