Post-Modern Pilgrims
Post-Modern Pilgrims

Post-Modern Pilgrims

First Century Passion for the 21st Century Church

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There is a legend of a Welsh Prince Madoc whose ship became stuck in Chesapeake Bay. After trying unsuccessfully to escape, he had his men row out with the anchor, drop it as far into the sea as they could, and then the ship winched its way forward. The image of the church as a boat and tradition as an anchor is prevalent in Christian art. If we examine the biblical view of an anchor, we find, like Prince Madoc, we are to cast our anchor into the future and pull the church forward.Postmodern pilgrims must strive to keep the past and the future in perpetual conversation so every generation will find a fresh expression of the Gospel that is anchored solidly to “the faith that was once for all delivered.”
ISBN: 9781433674501
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 1.7MB
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 15.07.2000
Language: English

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