Sunday School in HD
Sunday School in HD

Sunday School in HD

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Ministry professional Allan Taylor writes to all church leaders about the crucial role that Sunday School must play in producing healthy Christians who in turn produce healthy churches. He emphasizes the value of the Sunday School model to the total church ministry for its superior ability to nurture relationships and more personally stir passion for the Great Commission across every age group.

Taylor presents the sharply focused idea that all Sunday School programs are either imploding (through directionless ineffectiveness) or exploding (thanks to visionary leadership and practicing some fundamental disciplines). As such, he guides the reader toward growth principles that must be operative for any church to begin or continue a transformational Sunday School boom.


eBooks » Christianity » General
ISBN: 9780805464528
Producer: B&H Publishing
Dimensions: 216 x 140 x 11 mm
Weight: 272.155kg
Binding: eBook
File size: 2.1MB
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 01.06.2009
Language: English

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Allan Taylor

Allan Taylor is the minister of education at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia, where Sunday School attendance has grown from 2,500 to 5,000 under his leadership. He is also the founder of Ember to Blaze Ministries and writes Sunday School, leadership, and training materials including his previous book, The Six Core Values of Sunday School. Allan and his wife, Linda, have three children and two grandchildren.

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