The End of the World
The End of the World

The End of the World

What You Should Know about the Last Days, the Antichrist, the Judgments of God, and the Glorious Return of Jesus Christ

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Are you prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? A true understanding of the signs of the end-times will fill you with Holy Spirit fire to boldly declare and stand firm in your beliefs.
The End of the World is a comprehensive study of what must happen before Jesus returns—and dispels many current misinterpretations of the Bible regarding the end times.
The Bible, and especially the book of Revelation, is a mystery to many believers—no more. The End of the World solves many of those mysteries.
The End of the World reveals the very urgent need to awaken believers to their role in knowing and sharing the truth about how current world events are fulfilling the signs of the end times. You will be provoked into a greater awe regarding the return of Christ—and a greater desire to live for Him wholeheartedly today!
ISBN: 9788897896340
File size: 225KB
Number of pages: 176
Language: English

Book contents

Chapter One What Must Happen Before Jesus Will Return?
Chapter Two Who Is the Antichrist?
Chapter Three The Judgments of God Are Coming!
Chapter Four When the Books Are Opened
Chapter Five When Does the Rapture Take Place?
Appendix 1 The Significance of Israel
Appendix 2 Answering Objections
About the Author


This is a most timely and interesting book—well written, carefully researched, and based entirely on Scripture. The author has clearly outlined the various views on the tribulation, and he has fearlessly presented his own case with both humility and honesty.
His persuasive arguments will convince readers, regardless of their point of view on the tribulation, of the urgent need for all believers to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as widely as possible with conviction.
For this reason alone, the book is well worth reading. I highly recommend it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is on this work, and I believe it will be used mightily in the worldwide extension of the kingdom of God.
Bill Subritzky
Evangelist (
Auckland, New Zealand

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Matthew Needham
Originally from New Zealand, Matthew Needham is an international evangelist called by God at the age of 16 to step out in faith and begin proclaiming the gospel. His passion is to reveal the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ to those living in spiritual darkness. Currently he ministers throughout Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands; his love for the Lord and for the salvation of lost souls is bringing many into the kingdom of God.