The Fruitful Wife
The Fruitful Wife

The Fruitful Wife

Cultivating a Love Only God Can Produce

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Are you loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, AND self-controlled?

Most of the time? Sometimes? How about when life gets hard or marriage gets tough? Whatever your answer may be, the good news is that you are not alone.

Best-selling author, mother, and wife Hayley DiMarco understands the challenges we all face and answers the question at hand: How can you be the woman God is calling you to be—a woman who bears the fruit of the Spirit in your marriage and in the daily grind of life?

To help you grow, Hayley explores the biblical significance of all nine fruits of the Spirit, explaining how each fruit first begins to grow and then how each impacts your day-to-day life and marriage.

She writes like a close friend, openly sharing stories of her own failures to be spiritually fruitful as well as her relational struggles for control, authority, and respect. Ultimately, Hayley teaches us how even the rockiest of marriages can blossom and generate the fruit God intends to produce.

ISBN: 9781433530739
Producer: Crossway
Binding: eBook
File size: 10.9MB
Release Date: 30.09.2012

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DiMarco, Hayley
Hayley DiMarco is the best-selling author of more than thirty books including Dateable, Marriable, Mean Girls, and The Woman of Mystery. She has been a featured speaker at Women of Faith, Precept National Women's Conference, and MOPS Intl. among others and has consulted on the creation and enhancement of some of the largest stadium events for teens and young women in North America.

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