Rhonda Kelley

Rhonda Harrington Kelley es profesora adjunta y esposa del presidente del Ministerio para Mujeres en el Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur en New Orleans, Louisiana. Frecuentemente brinda conferencias para mujeres y además es autora de numerosos libros, como también coeditora de los volúmenes del Antiguo Testamento y del Nuevo Testamento del Women’s Evangelical Commentary [Comentario Evangélico para Mujeres]. Su esposo, Chuck, es presidente del Seminario Teológico Bautista de New Orleans.
Rhonda Harrington Kelley received her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of New Orleans and serves as the President's Wife and Adjunct Professor of Women’s Ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, LA. She is a frequent speaker for women as well as the author of numerous books and coeditor of the Old Testament and New Testament volumes of the Women’s Evangelical Commentary. Her husband Chuck is the president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

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