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T. Mary Lederleitner

Mary T. Lederleitner is a researcher, author, trainer and consultant for Wycliffe. Currently her focus is best practices related to cross-cultural ministry partnerships. She also develops resources to train missionaries and lay people for more effective cross-cultural ministry. Prior to serving in this role she was the Asia area finance manager and head of international audit. She has traveled extensively overseas and has been called upon to also assist a wide range of Christian non-profit ministries and churches. Before joining Wycliffe she served as a singles ministry coordinator at College Hill Presbyterian Church and Christ Church of Oak Brook, equipping lay people for ministry within the church and the surrounding community. Before entering ministry she became a certified public accountant and she served as a tax examiner for the Internal Revenue Service and the city of Cincinnati. She is pursuing a Ph.D. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Educational Studies and she holds a Masters Degree in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College. She is on the Advisory Board for EMIS, the organization that publishes EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly) and Lausanne Pulse. She also serves on the board of Faith and Learning and the steering committee for COSIM (The Coalition on the Support of Indigenous Ministries) and MLN (Mission Leadership Network).

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