No desperdicies tu vida
No desperdicies tu vida

No desperdicies tu vida

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John Piper nos advierte que no nos quedemos atrapados por una vida sin significado. Nos reta a vivir y morir haciendo alarde de la cruz de Cristo, haciendo de la gloria de Dios nuestra pasión única. Si crees que vivir es Cristo y morir es ganancia, lee este libro, aprende a vivir para Cristo, y no desperdicies tu vida.

ISBN: 9780825486258
Producer: Editorial Portavoz
File size: 1.5MB
Number of pages: 224
Language: Español

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John Piper
John Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota for 33 years. He is the founder of, a chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, and he has written more than 50 books including Desiring God and Don't Waste Your Life. John and his wife Noel have four sons and one daughter.