Sunday School That Really Works
Sunday School That Really Works

Sunday School That Really Works

A Strategy for Connecting Congregations and Communities

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"I want to begin with a word to those of you who do not have a Sunday school and those who do have a Sunday school but call it by some other name. The word is relax. I am about to make a passionate argument on the merits of Sunday school. However, that does not make me an opponent of those who utilize small groups or reject the term Sunday school. My prayer for you is that you will be effective in reaching the unchurched, assimilating your new members, and discipling your members through the teaching and application of God's word. I challenge you to use the strategy and the terms that enable you to accomplish those aims most effectively. I hope this book will procide insight that will help you be more effective as you follow the direction God is leading you...
Perhaps you are considering whether you should dismantle your Sunday school and go to a small group model at a time other than Sunday morning. I hope that this book will assist you in that decision, and I pray that God would grant you wisdom and success. It is possible that you may need to reconsider Sunday school...and move back to the strategy once you have a better understanding of its priciples and original intent. I pray right now that God will speak to your heart as you read. My aim is not to convert you to anything but to challenge you and encourage you to develop a small group strategy that will enable your church to be more effective in evangelism and discipleship. Unlike other Sunday school books that you may have read in the past, the book you are about to read is not about ratios and numbers. It is filled with encouragement to provide leadership and influence attitiudes. Therefore, I want you to relax, and I hope that you also enjoy considering what it is like to have a Sunday school that really works."

ISBN: 9780825488160
Producer: Kregel Publications
File size: 1.2MB
Number of pages: 224
Language: English

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Steve R. Parr
Steve R. Parr (DMin, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Vice president for Sunday school and evangelism with the Georgia Baptist Convention and an adjunct professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.