A Woman After God's Own Heart®
A Woman After God's Own Heart®

A Woman After God's Own Heart®

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Experience real peace and joy as you follow God in every area of your life—and become a woman after His heart. With warmth and grace, Elizabeth George shares practical, scriptural insights on how you can pursue God's priorities when it comes to...

  • your husband—foster a deep commitment to serving and honoring him
  • your children—pray faithfully for them and teach them God's Word
  • your home—create a nurturing atmosphere and a tapestry of beauty
  • your walk with the Lord—grow through love of Scripture and in spiritual maturity
  • your ministry—learn to reach out and be a blessing to others

Let God fulfill His greatest desire for you. Allow Him to transform you by embracing His plans for you. And find real purpose in a life of prayer, a life of priorities, a life as A Woman After God's Own Heart.

ISBN: 9780736959636
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 763KB
Release Date: 01.02.2015
Language: English

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