Double Play
Double Play

Double Play

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All-Star player Ben Zobrist (Tampa Bay Rays), considered one of the best all-around players in baseball, writes about the importance of his faith, life, and athletic career in Double Play. Written with his wife, Christian singer Julianna Zobrist, and MikeYorkey, best-selling author of Every Man's Battle and Linspired: The Remarkable Rise of Jeremy Lin, the book gives fans a first look into the heart of an athlete whose talent and devotion to God, family, and baseball make him one of the most loveable figures in the Major League today.

ISBN: 9781433683336
Producer: B&H Publishing
Binding: eBook
File size: 26.5MB
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 01.04.2014
Language: English

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Ben Zobrist
Ben and Julianna Zobrist are standout talents, both using their gifts to glorify God. Ben is an All Star Major League baseball player and helped lead the Tampa Bay Rays to the World Series.  Ben represented the United States in the World Baseball Classic and also leads Bible studies with his teammates.  Julianna is a recognized Christian music artist whose music has affected the culture for Christ nationally. Julianna has performed on both the mainstream and Christian platforms and is actively involved in film and radio. Both Ben and Julianna speak about their faith at events nationwide. The Zobrists have two children and live in Nashville, Tennessee.  

Julianna Zobrist
Ben and Julianna Zobrist are standout talents, both using their gifts to glorify God. Ben is an All Star Major League baseball player and helped lead the Tampa Bay Rays to the World Series.  Ben represented the United States in the World Baseball Classic and also leads Bible studies with his teammates.  Julianna is a recognized Christian music artist whose music has affected the culture for Christ nationally. Julianna has performed on both the mainstream and Christian platforms and is actively involved in film and radio. Both Ben and Julianna speak about their faith at events nationwide. The Zobrists have two children and live in Nashville, Tennessee.  

Mike Yorkey
Mike Yorkey has written and co-written more than seventy-five books, including the best seller Every Man's Battle (with Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker); Believe: My Faith and the Tackle That Changed My Life (with Eric LeGrand); Playing With Purpose: Tim Tebow; Recovery of a Lifetime (with Chris & Mike Reis); Every Heart Restored (with Fred Stoeker, Brenda Stoeker, Stephen Arterburn); Growing Up Colt (with Colt and Brad McCoy); Playing With Purpose: NFL Quarterbacks (Sam Bradford, Colt McCoy, Tim Tebow), Linspired: The Remarkable Rise of Jeremy Lin; and Playing with Purpose: Baseball.

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