John’s Gospel
John’s Gospel

John’s Gospel

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I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to read this Gospel. The word Gospel means ‘good news’ and this book is certainly great news about the life and importance of Jesus Christ.

As you read this Gospel, you’ll notice that part of the text is in italics. I’ve used this for the explanations I’ve included to make the meaning more immediately understandable in this contemporary English version. 

John’s Gospel has been read by millions of people through the centuries: it is probably among the most widely read books ever produced. Why? John tells us his purpose in writing this Gospel: ‘my aim has been to encourage you to believe in Jesus, indeed to keep on believing in him, that he is the Messiah, the Son of God. If you believe in Jesus in this way, you will have real and eternal life in him’ (chapter 20, verse 31). As you read this Gospel, I trust not only that you will become more informed about Jesus Christ but also that you will discover him for yourselves and find new life in him.
-- Martin Manser 

ISBN: 9781483571096
File size: 233.3KB
Number of pages: 68
Language: English

Book contents

1 The Word of life
2 The signs of life
3 The necessity of life
4 The offer of life
5 The acceptance of life
6 The bread of life
7 The water of life
8 The light of life
9 The miracle of life
10 The fullness of life
11 The resurrection of life
12 The impact of life

13 The example of life
14 The promise of life
15 The effect of life
16 The power of life
17 The language of life

18 Death approaching
19 Death defying
20 Death defeated!
21 Life: a new beginning

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Martin Manser
Martin Manser, editor, led a team of Bible teachers and pastors to create The Bible Book by Book. Martin Manser has been a professional reference book editor for more than thirty years. He has compiled or edited more than 200 reference books, particularly English-language dictionaries and Bible reference books. He is also a language trainer and consultant with national companies and organizations. He and his wife have two children. The team that wrote The Bible Book by Book was David Barratt, Mike Beaumont, Pieter Lalleman, Richard Littledale, Debra Reid, Andrew Stobart, and Derek Williams.

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