Planting Missional Churches
Planting Missional Churches

Planting Missional Churches

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Planting Missional Churches is an instruction book for planting biblically faithful and culturally relevant churches. It addresses the “how-to” and “why” issues of church planting by providing practical guidance through all the phases of a church plant while taking a missional look at existing and emerging cultures.


eBooks » Christianity » General
ISBN: 9780805456981
Producer: B&H Publishing
Dimensions: 140 x 216 x 28 mm
Weight: 521.631kg
Binding: eBook
File size: 3.2MB
Number of pages: 384
Release Date: 01.05.2006
Language: English

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Stetzer, Ed
Ed Stetzer is vice president of Research and Ministry Development at LifeWay Christian Resources in Nashville, Tennessee. His books include Planting Missional Churches and Breaking the Missional Code.

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