52 Weeks with Jesus for Kids
52 Weeks with Jesus for Kids

52 Weeks with Jesus for Kids

A Devotional

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Meet the One Who Changed Everything

You've heard the name "Jesus" a bunch of times. Your parents and other grown-ups have talked about Him. And some of your friends have too. You've read about Him in your Bible. But deep down you don't really know who Jesus is.

Now you don't have to feel left out anymore! This book shows you how much Jesus loves you and what it looks like to follow Him. Each week you'll encounter exciting stories, surprising ideas, and a prayer you can pray whenever you want. Throughout the year, you'll learn that Jesus is...

  • The Good Shepherd: He helps you find your way.
  • The King of all kings: You are part of His royal family.
  • The Bread of Life: He is tasty food for your soul.
  • The light of the world: No need to be afraid of the dark anymore!

As you discover these truths, Jesus will become more than a name you hear in church. He'll become one of your best friends!

ISBN: 9780736966986
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 409.4KB
Release Date: 27.09.2016
Language: English

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