Experiencing the Miracles of Jesus
Experiencing the Miracles of Jesus

Experiencing the Miracles of Jesus


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This fast-paced tour through the Gospel of Mark from bestselling authors Kay Arthur and Pete De Lacy matches Mark’s own action-packed, no-nonsense style. The briefest of the four Gospels, Mark includes fewer long discourses than the others and focuses on Jesus’ demonstrations of His power and authority. In this inductive study, readers will see that Jesus’ miracles show the world His dominion over every aspect of human experience that has been touched by the effects of sin, including sickness and infirmity, spiritual darkness, dead religion, threats from nature, and even death itself.

As readers practice finding and marking key works, listing what Mark has to say about important topics, cross-referencing other passages of Scriptures, and determining chapter themes, they will discover for themselves this New Testament book’s unique emphasis.

ISBN: 9780736937603
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 529.5KB
Release Date: 01.03.2010
Language: English

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