Raising Body-Confident Daughters
Raising Body-Confident Daughters

Raising Body-Confident Daughters

8 Conversations to Have with Your Tween

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Our society idolizes the body, creating a body-consciousness in girls that can lead to eating disorders, body-image issues, and more. This book outlines the conversations every mom needs to have with her eight- to twelve-year-old about becoming body-confident. With these helpful tools, you can teach your daughter to care for her body while emphasizing the care of her spirit.

Use these eight biblically based conversations to guide your tween into God's purpose for her body—to glorify him—and how that relates to practical concerns as...

  • embracing the physical changes of womanhood
  • caring for her own hair and skin
  • developing healthy habits of nutrition and exercise

You'll find examples of scripted conversations, ideas for planning fantastic dates with your daughter to enhance those conversations, and even fun recipes to try together—everything you need to help her become the body-confident young woman God created her to be. You'll even find some encouragement for your own body-conscious moments.

ISBN: 9780736960069
Producer: Harvest House Publishers
Binding: Digital delivered electronically
File size: 1MB
Release Date: 01.04.2015
Language: English

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